New Delhi, 16 and 25 May 1966LETTERS
New Delhi, May 16, 1966
Excellency :
I have the honor to refer to the conversations between the representatives of the Government of India and the representatives of the
Government of the United States, relating to the possibility of concluding an Agreement between the two Governments with a view to
the reciprocal granting of authorization or licenses to permit licensed amateur radio operators of either country to operate their
stations in either country in accordance with the provisions of Article 41 of the International Radio Regulations, Geneva, 1959.
Pursuant to sections 303(I)(2) and 310(a), of the Communications Act of 1934 as amended [(47 U.S.C.303(I)(2) and 310(a)], the Government
of the United States of America is prepared to conclude an agreement with respect to this matter as follows :
(1)An individual who is licensed by his Government as an amateur radio operator and who operates an amateur radio station licensed
by such Government shall be permitted by the other government, on a reciprocal basis and subject to the conditions stated below,
to operate such station in the territory of such other Government.
(3) The individual who is licensed by his Government as an amateur radio operator shall, before being permitted to operate his station
as provided for in paragraph 1, obtain from the appropriate administrative agency of the other Government an authorization or license
for that purpose.
(3)The appropriate administrative agency of each government may issue an authorization or license as prescribed in paragraph 2, under
such conditions and terms as it may prescribe, including the right of cancellation at the convenience of the issuing Government at
any time. Each Government shall also reserve the right to refuse the grant of an authorization or license to a particular individual.
Upon receipt of a reply note from you indicating the concurrence of the Government of India, it will be considered that this note
and the reply note constitute an Agreement between the two Governments, such Agreement to be in force as of the date of the reply
note and to be subject to termination by either Government giving six months notice, in writing, of its intention to terminate.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.
Sd /-
Department of Communications,
North Block, Secretariat,
New Delhi.
No.W 21 (33)/64
New Delhi,
Dated : 25th May, 1966
Yours Excellency,
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your note dated May 16, 1966 which refers to a proposal to conclude an Agreement to permit
the reciprocal granting of authorisations or licences to Licensed amateur radio operators of either country to operate their stations
in either country and which reads as follows :
(Text not Reproduced)
Pursuant to Section 4 of Indian Telegraph Act 1885 and Indian Wireless Telegraph. (Amateur Services) Rules 1958, I have the honour to convey to your Excellency the concurrence of the
Government of India to the Agreement proposed in your Excellency’s note dated May 16, 1966, quoted above.
I may add that an import licence must be obtained from the Department of Communications prior to the import of any wireless transmitting
equipment. This will also apply in the case of import of a wireless transmitter by any amateur.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Sd /-
Department of Communications:
Ambassador of the
United States of America,
New Delhi.