Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Control Of Insurance Act (No. 25 of 1962) - Sect 12

Making of deposits

(1) Every insurer applying for registration under this Act shall, keep deposited with the Deputy Secretary to the Treasury, for and on behalf of the Government of Ceylon, a sum of fifty thousand rupees in respect of each class of insurance business proposed to be carried on by that insurer in Ceylon:
(2) A deposit made under this Act may consist of cash or of Government securities or of Government guaranteed securities, and the value of any securities so deposited shall be taken to be their market value at the date of deposit.
(3) A deposit made in cash shall be held by the Deputy Secretary to the Treasury to the credit of the insurer and shall be returnable to the insurer in cash in the circumstances and in the manner in which under the provisions of this Act a deposit is to be returned, and any interest accruing due on securities deposited under this section by any insurer shall, when it is collected, be paid by the Deputy Secretary to the Treasury to the insurer.
(4) An insurer may at any time substitute for the securities deposited with the Deputy Secretary to the Treasury under this section other Government securities or Government guaranteed securities of equal value assessed at the market rate prevailing at the time of substitution, and the Deputy Secretary to the Treasury shall, on the written application of any insurer who or which has made a deposit, invest in Government securities or Government guaranteed securities the whole or any part of the cash received by the Deputy Secretary to the Treasury on the redemption of any securities deposited by the insurer under this Act.
(5) The Deputy Secretary to the Treasury shall, if so requested by the insurer, sell any securities deposited with him and either hold the cash realized by such sale as deposit or invest in such Government securities or Government guaranteed securities as may be specified by the insurer the whole or any part of the cash received by him and hold the securities in which investment is so made as deposit.
(6) The amount of any deposit made under the provisions of Part II of the Motor Traffic (Third Party Risks) Regulations, 1951, by an insurer seeking registration under this Act shall be deemed to have been returned to such insurer under regulation 5 (3) of Part II of the aforesaid regulations and thereafter to have been paid by such insurer as a deposit in terms of sub section (1) of this section:

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