Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Estates (Control Of Transfer And Acquisition) Act (No. 2 of 1972) - Sect 3

Applications for consent of Minister

3. Every application for the consent of the Minister to the transfer of ownership of any estate shall-
(a) be made in writing by the proprietor or any one of the proprietors of such estate or by the authorized agent of such proprietor or proprietors;
(b) be addressed to the Permanent Secretary and transmitted to or delivered at his office;
(c) state the name and address of such proprietor or each of such proprietors;
(d) specify the situation and extent of such estate, the plantations thereon, the area covered by each such plantation and the yield of such plantation in each of the three calendar years preceding that in which the application is made;
(e) describe the buildings, factories, machinery, implements, vehicles and other things movable and immovable belonging to such estate;
(f) state the name and address of the person to whom it is proposed to transfer the ownership of such estate, if this information is available at the time the application is made;
(g) state the consideration to be paid by such person, if such consideration has been decided upon at the time the application is made; and
(h) contain such other particulars as may be prescribed.

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