Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Elections (Special Provisions) Act (No. 14 of 2004) - Sect 2

Certification by Election Commission

(1) The Election Commission shall, prior to the provisions of this Act coming into operation, satisfy itself that all the administrative arrangements have been made in respect of the issue of identity cards under section 14 of the Registration of Persons Act. No. 32 of 1968 in order to ensure that ail persons entitled to vote are not precluded from obtaining identity cards and exercising their franchise, and certify such fact and publish such certification in the Gazette :
(2) Prior to the publication of the certification under subsection (1). the Election Commission shall require the Commissioner for the Registration of Persons, appointed under section 3 of the Registration of Persons Act, No. 32 of 1968. to confirm to the Commission by the issue of a Certificate, the fact that the administrative arrangements envisaged in terms of this section have been made. The Certificate of the Commissioner for the Registration of Persons shall be based on reports received by him in relation to all electoral districts stating that the administrative arrangements envisaged in terms of this section have been made.

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