Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Industrial Products (Amendment) Act (No. 69 of 1961) - Sect 4

Insertion of new section 18a in the principal Act

4. The following new section is hereby inserted immediately after section 18, and shall have effect as section 18A, of the principal Act: -
(1) Where, after the expiration of the period of validity of any coupon or delivery warrant issued to any person, the Controller is satisfied that the quantity, or any part of the quantity, of the local product specified in the coupon or delivery warrant was not available for delivery to such person or his authorized agent during that period, the Controller shall, upon surrender of that coupon or warrant-
(a) if the whole of that quantity was not delivered to that person or his authorized agent, refund to him the price paid for that quantity or cancel the instrument by which the payment of the price of that quantity is secured, and
(b) if only a part of that quantity was not delivered to that person or his authorized agent,-
(2) Every contract referred to in subsection (11) of section 18 shall be subject to the provisions of subsection (1) of this section.".

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