Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Local Authorities Housing Act (No. 14 of 1964) - Sect 3

Power of local authority to let houses to persons on terms which enable them to become owners of such houses

(1) Subject as hereinafter provided, a local authority may, either upon a resolution passed in that behalf at a duly constituted meeting of that local authority or upon the direction of the Minister, let to any person any house-
(a) which has vested in that local authority under section 2; or
(b) which has been, or may be, constructed by that local authority within the administrative limits of that local authority for the purpose of residence,
(2) In determining the person to whom a house to which this Act applies shall be let under subsection (1), the local authority shall have regard primarily to the interests of persons requiring housing accommodation, and shall in particular have regard to the following considerations, that is to say, that the house should be let at a reasonable rent to a person who is a citizen of Ceylon and whose name appears in the electoral list prepared for the general election of members of that local authority.
(3) Where any person is in occupation as a tenant of any house to which this Act applies, the local authority within the administrative limits of which such house is situated shall not let such house to any other person under the provisions of subsection (1) -
(a) except with the prior approval of the Advisory Board constituted for that local authority under this Act; and
(b) unless six months' notice in writing is given by that local authority to the first-mentioned person of its intention to so let such house to some other person.

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