Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Land Settlement (Amendment) Act (No. 23 of 1996) - Sect 2

Amendment of section 5 in Chapter 458

2. The Land settlement Ordinance (hereinafter referred to as" the Principal enactment") is hereby amended by the insertion, immediately after subsection (7) of section 5 of thereof, of the following new subsection :-
" (8) Where-
(a) a person makes a claim to any land specified in a settlement notice or to a share of, or interest in, any such land, at any time after the expiration of the period of three months specified in such notice and the further period, if any, prescribed by the proviso to subsection (1) section 5, but prior to the publication under section 8, of the order prescribed by subsection (5) of section 5, embodying the settlement of the land specified in the settlement notice or any share of, or interest in, such land ; and
(b) the Settlement officer is satisfied that the claimant had reasonable grounds for failing to make such claim within such period of three months and such further period if any,

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