Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Survey Act (No. 17 of 2002) - Sect 14

Surveyor- General or any person authorised may demand production of deed

14. It shall be lawful for the Surveyor-General, or for any registered surveyor authorised in that behalf in writing by him whenever it shall appear to him to be necessary for the purpose of a land survey to be conducted by him. To demand in writing -
(a) from the person claiming to be the owner of any land or premises, or of his agent, the production of every deed, document or other instrument upon which he claims title to such land or premises ;
(b) from the occupier of such land or premises the authority upon which he bases his occupation and information about the whereabouts of the owner of such land and premises,
and where such owner or occupier as the case may be, within ten days of such demand
(i) refuses or fails without cause to produce the deed, document or other instrument upon which he bases his claim to the said land or premises .
(ii) is unable to produce such deed, document or instrument as such deed, document or other instrument is not in his possession and refuses without cause to inform or give information as to the whereabouts of the person in whose possession such deed, document or other instrument is,
such owner or occupier shall be guilty of an offence under this Act and shall be liable on conviction after summary trial before a Magistrate to a fine not exceeding ten thousand rupees

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