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The European Parliament Elections Act, 2003 (Bill No. 5)

A BILL introduced by the Honourable Eddie Fenech Adami, M.P., Prime Minister, and read the First time at the Sitting of the 26th May, 2003.

AN ACT to make provision for the holding of elections to the European Parliament.


Skrivan tal-Kamra tad-Deputati


Clerk of the House of Representatives

C 59



ATT biex jipprovdi dwar i]-]amma ta’ elezzjonijiet g[all-Parlament


IL-PRESIDENT, bil-parir u l-kunsens tal-Kamra tad-Deputati, imlaqqg[a f’dan il-Parlament, u bl-awtorità ta’ l-istess, [are; b’li;i dan li ;ej>-
1. (1) It-titolu fil-qosor ta’ dan l-Att hu Att ta’ l-2003 dwar
Elezzjonijiet g[all-Parlament Ewropew.
(2) Id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att g[andhom jid[lu fis- se[[ f’ dik id-data li l-Prim Ministru jista’ b’ avvi] fil-Gazzetta jistabbilixxi, u jistg[u ji;u hekk stabbiliti dati differenti dwar disposizzjonijiet differenti u g[anijiet differenti tieg[u.
2. F’dan l-Att kemm-il darba r-rabta tal-kliem ma tkunx te[tie;
“l-Att” tfisser l-Att ta’ l-Istati Membri tal-Komunitajiet Ewropej, dwar l-elezzjoni tar-rappre]entanti ta’ l-Assemblea b’ vot dirett u universali, anness mad-Deçi]joni 76#787#ECSE, KEE, Euratom pubblikat fil-:urnal Uffiçjali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea, kif emendat minn ]mien g[al ]mien<

Titolu fil-qosor u bidu fis-se[[.


C 60

Kap. 354.

“awtorità kompetenti” tfisser dak il-korp fi Stat Membru li jkun inkarigat mit-tmexxija ta’ l-elezzjonijiet ta’ membri tal- Parlament Ewropew u r-re;istrazzjoni ta’ eletturi g[all-istess<
“çittadin ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea” tfisser persuna li tkun çittadin ta’ xi wie[ed mill-Istati Membri<
“Elenku Elettorali” fir-rigward ta’ Malta tfisser ir-Re;istru Elettorali u r-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea u fir-rigward ta’ Stati Membri o[ra tfisser ir-re;istru uffiçjali ta’ l-eletturi kollha li jkollhom jedd jivvotaw f’xi kostitwenza jew lokalità partikolari, redatt u a;;ornat mill-awtorità kompetenti ta[t il-li;i elettorali relattiva ta’ l-Istat Membru jew ir-re;istru tal-popolazzjoni meta dak ir-re;istru jkun jindika l-eli;ibilità g[al vot<
“elezzjoni ta’ membri tal-Parlament Ewropew” tfisser elezzjonijiet ta’ membri tal-Parlament Ewropew mi]muma skond, u kif ma[sub, fl-Att u fit-Trattat<
“Kummissjoni Elettorali” tfisser il-Kummissjoni Elettorali mwaqqfa bl-artikolu 60 tal-Kostituzzjoni<
“Parlament Ewropew” tfisser il-Parlament Ewropew imsemmi fit-Trattat<
“Re;istru Elettorali” tfisser ir-Re;istru Elettorali pubblikat skond id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-Att dwar l-Elezzjonijiet :enerali<
“Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea” tfisser ir-re;istru ta’ eletturi li jin]amm skond l-artikoli 11 sa 14 ta’ dan l-Att<
“Stat Membru” tfisser Stat li jkun membru ta’ l-Unjoni
“Stat Membru ta’ ?ittadinanza” tfisser l-Istat Membru li persuna tkun çittadin tieg[u<
“it-Trattat” g[andha l-istess tifsira lilha mog[tija fl-artikolu
2 ta’ l-Att ta’ l-2003 dwar l-Unjoni Ewropea<
“Unjoni Ewropea” tfisser l-Unjoni Ewropea msemmija fit- Trattat.
3. L-elezzjoni ta’ membri tal-Parlament Ewropew g[andha ssir skond id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att.
4. L-g[add ta’ membri tal-Parlament Ewropew li g[andhom ji;u eletti g[andu jkun dak stabbilit bit-Trattat jew ta[tu.
5. (1) L-elezzjonijiet ta’ membri tal-Parlament Ewropew g[andhom isiru kull [ames snin bl-ewwel elezzjoni fl-2004, fit-tieni Sibt ta’ :unju jew f’dik id-data o[ra li l-Prim Ministru jista’ b’avvi] fil-Gazzetta minn ]mien g[al ]mien jistabbilixxi.
C 61

Elezzjoni ta’


tal-Parlament Ewropew f’Malta.

G[add ta’ membri tal-Parlament Ewropew.

Data u [in ta’


ta’ billejl.
(2) Il-votazzjoni tibda fis-7.00 ta’ filg[odu u ttemm fl-10.00
6. Ir-re;istrazzjoni ta’ eletturi g[all-Elezzjonijiet ta’ membri tal- Parlament Ewropew, it-tmexxija ta’ l-elezzjonijiet relattivi u l-g[add tal-voti jkunu r-responsabbiltà esklu]iva tal-Kummissjoni Elettorali.
7. L-elezzjoni ta’ membri tal-Parlament Ewropew g[andha titmexxa skond il-prinçipju ta’ rappre]entanza proporzjonali permezz ta’ vot wie[ed trasferibbli, fejn kull elettur ikollu vot wie[ed b[al dak.
8. G[all-fini ta’ l-elezzjoni ta’ membri tal-Parlament Ewropew it-territorju ta’ Malta tifforma distrett elettorali wa[dieni.
9. Mill-inqas [amsa u tletin jum qabel il-;urnata stabbilita g[all- elezzjoni ta’ membri tal-Parlament Ewropew, il-Kummissjoni Elettorali g[andha to[ro; u tippubblika fil-Gazzetta avvi] li jkollu l-g[amla murija fl-Ewwel Skeda li tinsab ma’ dan l-Att.
10. Kull persuna li isimha jkun jidher fir-Re;istru Elettorali li jkun ;ie l-a[[ar pubblikat qabel id-data stabbilita g[all-elezzjoni u kull persuna li jkollha isimha jidher fir-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea u li f’ ka] wie[ed jew l-ie[or ma tkunx, wara l-pubblikazzjoni ta’ dak ir-Re;istru Elettorali jew ta’ dak ir-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea, insabet [atja ta’ xi reat li jkollu x’ jaqsam ma’ l-elezzjoni ta’ membri tal-Kamra tad-Deputati jew ma’ l-elezzjoni ta’ membri ta’ Kunsilli Lokali jew ma’ l-elezzjoni ta’ membri tal-Parlament Ewropew, ikollha jedd tivvota fl-elezzjonijiet ta’ membri tal-Parlament Ewropew.
11. Bla [sara g[ad-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-artikolu 12, persuna tkun kwalifikata sabiex tkun re;istrata fir-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea jekk, u ma g[andhiex tkun hekk kwalifikata kemm-il darba -

Hi l-Kummissjoni


li tmexxi l- elezzjonijiet eçç.

Metodu ta’


Malta tifforma distrett elettorali wie[ed.

Avvi] ta’ Elezzjoni.

Persuni li jkollhom jedd jivvotaw.

Kwalifika ta’ eletturi fir-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l- Unjoni Ewropea.

Kap. 258.

C 62

Kap. 258.

Skwalifika ta’ eletturi mir-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l- Unjoni Ewropea.

Pubblikazzjoni tar- Re;istru

Elettorali ta’ l- Unjoni Ewropea.

(a) ma tkunx ?ittadin ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea li isimha ma jkunx jidher fir-Re;istru Elettorali<
(b) ma tkunx me[tie;a jkollha, u hekk ikollha, karta ta’ l- identità skond l-Att dwar il-Karti ta’ l-Identità< u
(ç) ma jkollhiex ir-rekwi]iti elenkati fil-paragrafi (b) u (ç)
ta’ l-artikolu 57 tal-Kostituzzjoni>
I]da g[all-finijiet ta’ dan il-paragrafu residenza f’xi Stat
Membru g[andha titqies b[ala residenza f’Malta<
(d) ma tiddikjarax li tkun se twettaq id-dritt tag[ha li tivvota g[all-elezzjonijiet ta’ membri tal-Parlament Ewropew f’ Malta biss< u
(e) ma tkunx ;iet imça[[da mid-dritt li tivvota fl-Istat
Membru ta’ çittadinanza tag[ha.
12. {add ma jkun kwalifikat li jkun re;istrat fir-Re;istru
Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea jekk -
(a) ikun interdett jew inabilitat min[abba xi mard tal-mo[[ minn qorti fi Stat Membru jew ikun ;ie xort’ o[ra stabbilit fi Stat Membru li jkun ta’ mo[[ marid<
(b) ikun ta[t kundanna ta’ pri;unerija (tissejja[ kif tkun imsej[a) ta’ i]jed minn tnax-il xahar li tkun ;iet imposta fuqu minn qorti fi Stat Membru jew sostitwita minn awtorità kompetenti g[al xi kundanna o[ra imposta fuqu minn qorti b[al dik, jew ikun ta[t kundanna b[al dik ta’ pri;unerija li l-e]ekuzzjon tag[ha tkun ;iet sospi]a< jew
(ç) ikun skwalifikat minn re;istrazzjoni b[ala elettur minn jew skond xi li;i f’Malta min[abba li jkun ;ie misjub [ati ta’ xi reat dwar l-elezzjoni ta’ membri tal-Kamra tad-Deputati, membri tal-Kunsilli Lokali jew membri tal-Parlament Ewropew.
13. (1) Il-Kummissjoni Elettorali g[andha tippubblika r- Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea li jkun fih elenku tal-persuni kollha kwalifikati biex ikunu re;istrati hemm fih skond l-artikolu 11.
(2) Id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-Att dwar l-Elezzjonijiet
:enerali dwar il-pubblikazzjoni u t-tiswija tar-Re;istru Elettorali u t- t[assir ta’ ismijiet minn fuqu, g[andhom kemm-il darba ma ji;ix provdut
xort’ o[ra f’dan l-Att japplikaw g[ar-rigward tar-Re;istru Elettorali ta’
l-Unjoni Ewropea.
(3) ?ittadin ta’ Malta li jkun re;istrat fir-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea u li jkun kwalifikat biex ji;i re;istrat fir-Re;istru Elettorali g[andu jkollu ismu m[assar mir-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l- Unjoni Ewropea meta huwa ji;i re;istrat fir-Re;istru Elettorali.
(4) ?ittadin ta’ Malta li g[al xi ra;uni jkollu ismu m[assar mir-Re;istru Elettorali imma li jkun kwalifikat biex ji;i re;istrat fir- Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea g[andu, meta jkollu ismu m[assar mir-Re;istru Elettorali, ji;i re;istrat fir-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea.
14. (1) Persuna li titlob li ti;i re;istrata fir-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea g[andha ti;i hekk re;istrata biss u jkollha jedd li tibqa’ hekk re;istrata biss jekk, minbarra li tkun tissodisfa l-[ti;iet ta’ l-artikolu 11, tiddikjara lill-Kummissjoni Elettorali>
(a) li tkun residenti f’Malta<
(b) xi tkun iç-çittadinanza tag[ha<
(ç) id-data meta tkun bdiet toqg[od f’Malta jew f’xi Stat
Membru ie[or<
(d) l-indirizz tag[ha f’Malta<
(e) il-lokalità jew kostitwenza fl-Istat Membru ta’ çittadinanza tag[ha, jekk ikun il-ka], li fl-Elenku Elettorali tag[ha isimha jkun ;ie l-a[[ar re;istrat<
(f) li tkun se te]erçita l-jedd tag[ha li tivvota f’Malta biss< (g) li ma tkunx ;iet imça[[da mid-dritt tag[ha li tivvota fl-
Istat Membru ta’ çittadinanza tag[ha<
u tippre]enta lill-imsemmija Kummissjoni dokument ta’ identità validu. (2) Meta persuna tkun tissodisfa l-[ti;iet tas-subartikolu (1)
ta’ dan l-artikolu, il-Kummissjoni Elettorali g[andha tni]]el isimha fir- Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea jekk hija tkun sodisfatta li dik il-persuna tkun hekk kwalifikata skond l-artikolu 11.
C 63

Re;istrazzjoni fir- Re;istru

Elettorali ta’ l- Unjoni Ewropea.

C 64

Skambju ta’ informazzjoni konnessa

mar-re;istrazzjoni ta’ eletturi.

Tne[[ija ta’ isem mir-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l- Unjoni Ewropea.

Eliminazzjoni ta’

votazzjoni doppja.

15. (1) Il-Kummissjoni Elettorali g[andha tav]a lill-awtorità kompetenti ta’ l-Istat Membru ta’ çittadinanza dwar kull dikjarazzjoni mag[mula minn xi persuna skond l-artikolu 14, g[all-uniku skop li ji;i verifikat il-kontenut tag[ha< u meta skond informazzjoni li tasal ming[and l-Istat Membru ta’ ?ittadinanza jkun jirri]ulta li l-kontenut tad-dikjarazzjoni ma jkunx veru, il-Kummissjoni Elettorali ma g[andhiex tirre;istra lil dik il-persuna fir-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea, jew, jekk dik il-persuna tkun di;à re;istrata, t[assrilha isimha minn fuqu.
(2) Il-Kummissjoni Elettorali g[andha tivverifika il- kontenut ta’ dikjarazzjonijiet simili li jsiru lill-awtoritajiet kompetenti fi Stati Membri o[ra u g[andha twasslilhom kull informazzjoni rilevanti li jista’ jkollha f’idejha.
(3) L-informazzjoni skambjata skond dan l-artikolu g[andha ti;i pprovduta malajr u f’forma u mod adatti u tista’ tinkludi biss dawk id-dettalji li huma strettament me[tie;a g[all-implimentazzjoni tad- disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-artikolu u tista’ tintu]a biss g[al dawk l- g[anijiet.
16. Persuna li isimha ikun jidher fur ir-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l- Unjoni Ewropea tista’ f’kull waqt, bil-miktub titlob lill-Kummissjoni Elettorali tne[[ilha isimha minn fuq dak ir-Re;istru u malli jsir dan isimha g[andu jit[assar mir-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea.
17. (1) {add ma g[andu f’elezzjoni g[al membri tal-Parlament
Ewropew jitfa’ l-vot tieg[u f’Malta u f’xi Stat Membru ie[or.
(2) Kull persuna li tikser id-disposizzjonijiet tas-subartikolu (1) ta’ dan l-artikolu tkun [atja ta’ reat u tista’, meta tinsab [atja, te[el pri;unerija g[al ]mien mhux i]jed minn sitt xhur jew multa ta’ mhux i]jed minn g[axart elef lira jew dik il-multa u pri;unerija flimkien.
(3) Biex ti;i ]gurata konformità mas-subartikolu (1) ta’ dan l-artikolu, il-Kummissjoni Elettorali g[andha, fi ]mien bi]]ejjed qabel il-;urnata stabbilita g[all-votazzjoni, tg[arraf lill-awtorità kompetenti fl-Istat Membru ta’ ?ittadinanza ta’ persuna elenkata fir-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea li tkun g[a]let li tivvota f’Malta.
(4) Meta l-Kummissjoni Elettorali tkun irçeviet informazzjoni ming[and l-awtorità kompetenti ta’ Stat Membru ie[or li xi persuna, li isimha jkun imni]]el fir-Re;istru Elettorali jew fir- Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea, tkun ;iet re;istrata fl-Elenku Elettorali ta’ dak l-Istat, hija g[andha g[all-finijiet ta’ l-elezzjoni ta’ membri tal-Parlament Ewropew t[assar isem dik il-persuna mir-Re;istru
Elettorali, jew mir-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea, skond il- ka].
18. Bla [sara g[ad-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-artikolu 19, persuna tkun kwalifikata tikkontesta elezzjoni g[al membri tal-Parlament Ewropew jekk dik il-persuna tkun re;istrata b[ala elettur fir-Re;istru Elettorali jew fir-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea>
I]da uffiçjali pubbliçi jew xi klassi jew klassijiet tag[hom jistg[u jkunu ristretti milli jikkontestaw elezzjoni g[al membri tal-Parlament Ewropew mill-Kodiçi dwar il-Management tas-Servizz Pubbliku jew regolamenti, regoli jew normi o[ra b[al dawk applikabbli minn ]mien g[al ]mien g[as-Servizz Pubbliku.
19. (1) Bla [sara g[ad-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-Att, [add ma jkun ikkwalifikat li jikkontesta elezzjoni g[al membru tal-Parlament Ewropew jew, jekk ikun elett, li jibqa’ membru ta’ dak il-Parlament jekk, sew f’Malta sew f’xi Stat Membru ie[or -
(a) ikun membru ta’ xi korp dixxiplinat kif imfisser fl- artikolu 47 (1) tal-Kostituzzjoni jew ta’ xi korp korrispondenti ta’ xi Stat Membru ie[or<
(b) ikollu kariga li l-funzjonijiet tag[ha jkunu jinvolvu xi responsabbiltà g[al jew b’konnessjoni mat-tmexxija ta’ l- elezzjonijiet ta’ membri tal-Parlament Ewropew jew mal- kompilazzjoni jew revi]joni ta’ xi Elenku Elettorali<
(ç) ikun fallut mhux rijabilitat, wara li jkun ;ie ;udikat jew xort’o[ra dikjarat fallut skond xi li;i li tkun fis-se[[<
(d) ikun interdett jew inabilitat min[abba xi mard mentali jew min[abba prodigalità minn qorti jew ikun xort’o[ra deçi] li jkun ta’ mo[[ marid<
(e) ikun qed jiskonta kundanna ta’ pri;unerija (tkun kif tkun imsej[a) ta’ aktar minn tnax-il xahar imposta fuqu minn qorti fi Stat Membru jew ikun ta[t sentenza b[al dik ta’ pri;unerija li l- esekuzzjoni tag[ha tkun ;iet sospi]a<
(f) ikun membru tal-;udikatura<
(g) ikun ;ie skwalifikat milli jikkontesta g[all-elezzjoni ta’
membri tal-Parlament Ewropew skond xi li;i li tkun fis-se[[<
C 65

Persuni kwalifikati biex

jikkontestaw l- elezzjonijiet.

Persuni li mhux kwalifikati jikkontestaw elezzjoni.

C 66

Inkompatibilità ta’ çerti uffiçjali.

Kap. 363.

Disposizzjonijiet dwar kandidat re;istrat fir-Re;istru Elettorali

ta’ l-Unjoni


(h) ikun qieg[ed jikkontesta b[ala kandidat g[all-elezzjoni ta’ membri tal-Parlament Ewropew fl-istess elezzjoni f’xi Stat Membru ie[or.
(2) Il-kariga ta’ membru tal-Parlament Ewropew hi inkompatibbli ma’ dik ta’ membru tal-Kamra tad-Deputati jew ta’ membru ta’ xi Kunsill Lokali ta[t l-Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali jew xi istituzzjoni o[ra simili jew organu ie[or simili f’xi Stat Membru ie[or, u meta persuna li jkollha xi wa[da mill-karigi msemmija ti;i eletta g[al xi kariga o[ra b[al dik, dik il-persuna g[andha, fi ]mien [amest ijiem tax-xog[ol mill-pubblikazzjoni tar-ri]ultati ta’ l-elezzjoni g[al dik it- tieni kariga, tirrinunzja g[al xi wa[da minn dawk il-karigi>
I]da meta persuna tonqos milli tirrinunzja g[al xi wa[da minn dawn il-karigi fi]-]mien imsemmi ta’ [amest ijiem tax-xog[ol, hija g[andha titqies b[ala li tkun irrinunzjat il-kariga ta’ membru tal- Parlament Ewropew.
20. (1) Kandidat li ismu jkun jidher fir-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea, g[andu meta jkun qieg[ed jippre]enta n-nomina tieg[u b[ala kandidat jag[mel ukoll dikjarazzjoni formali bil-miktub lill-Kummissjoni Elettorali fejn jiddikjara>
(a) xi tkun iç-çittadinanza tieg[u<
(b) id-data minn meta jkun ilu çittadin ta’ l-Istat Membru ta’ ?ittadinanza tieg[u<
(ç) il-lokalità jew kostitwenza fl-Istat Membru ta’
?ittadinanza tieg[u, jekk ikun hemm, li fl-elenku elettorali tieg[u ikun l-a[[ar re;istrat<
(d) li ma jkunx qieg[ed jikkontesta b[ala kandidat f’xi Stat
Membru ie[or>
u g[andu wkoll juri lill-Kummissjoni Elettorali dokument ta’ identità validu<
I]da fir-rigward ta’ persuna b[al dik li tkun çittadin ta’ Malta> (i) il-paragrafu (b) ma g[andux japplika< u
(ii) il-paragrafu (ç) g[andu japplika b’riferenza g[all-a[[ar Stat Membru, minbarra Malta, fejn dik il-persuna kienet residenti qabel ma tkun bdiet toqg[od f’Malta.
(2) Kandidat li ismu jidher fir-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l- Unjoni Ewropea u li ma jkunx çittadin ta’ Malta g[andu wkoll jipproduçi lill-Kummissjoni Elettorali dikjarazzjoni ming[and l-awtorità kompetenti ta’ l-Istat Membru ta’ ?ittadinanza tieg[u li tkun tiççertifika li ma jkunx, [lief g[aliex huwa jkun ;ie re;istrat fir-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea, ;ie mça[[ad mid-dritt li jikkontesta l-elezzjoni f’dak l-Istat Membru jew li dik l-Awtorità ma tkun taf b’ebda skwalifika b[al dik.
(3) Il-Kummissjoni Elettorali g[andha tav]a lill-awtorità kompetenti ta’ dak l-Istat Membru ta’ Cittadinanza bid-dikjarazzjonijiet mag[mulin skond is-subartikolu (1) bil-g[an wa[dieni li ji;i verifikat il-kontenut tag[hom u jekk mill-informazzjoni li tasal mill-Istat Membru ta’ ?ittadinanza jirri]ulta li l-kontenut tad-dikjarazzjoni mhumiex veri, il-Kummissjoni Elettorali ma g[andhiex tirre;istra lill-persuna b[ala kandidat, jew jekk hija tkun di;à re;istrata, g[andha t[assarlu ismu mil-lista ta’ kandidati>
I]da dak it-t[assir g[andu jsir qabel ma ji;u stampati l-poloz ta’
I]da wkoll g[ar-rigward ta’ xi persuna b[al dik li tkun çittadin ta’ Malta id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan is-subartikolu g[andhom japplikaw b[allikieku riferenza hemm fih g[al Stat Membru ta’ ?ittadinanza kienet riferenza g[all-a[[ar Stat Membru fejn dik il-persuna kienet toqg[od qabel ma tkun bdiet toqg[od f’Malta.
(4) Il-Kummissjoni Elettorali g[andha tivverifika dikjarazzjonijiet simili li ji;u lilha notifikati mill-awtorità kompetenti ta’ Stati Membri o[ra u g[andha tipprovdi lil dawk l-awtoritajiet kompetenti b’kull informazzjoni rilevanti.
(5) Informazzjoni skambjata skond dan l-artikolu g[andha ti;i pprovduta malajr u b’mod adatt u tista’ tinkludi biss dawk id-dettalji li jkunu strettament me[tie;a g[all-implimentazzjoni tad- disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-artikolu u tista’ tin[are; biss g[al dak l-g[an.
21. (1) Salv kif xort’o[ra provdut fit-Tieni Skeda li tinsab ma’ dan l-Att u salv meta dawk id-disposizzjonijiet huma inkompatibbli mad-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att, id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-Att dwar l- Elezzjonijiet :enerali u ta’ l-Ordinanza Elettorali dwar il-Votazzjoni, g[andhom japplikaw g[at-tmexxija ta’ elezzjonijiet, u g[all-g[add ta’ voti f’elezzjonijiet, ta’ membri tal-Parlament Ewropew.
(2) Il-Kummissjoni Elettorali tista’, minn ]mien g[al ]mien, to[ro; direttivi li jkunu jinterpretaw skond ma jkun me[tie; id-
C 67

Tmexxija ta’


Kap. 354. Kap. 102

C 68

Mili ta’ vakanzi.

Skop ta’ dan l-Att.

disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-Att dwar l-Elezzjonijiet :enerali u l-Ordinanza Elettorali dwar il-Votazzjoni fl-applikazzjoni tag[hom g[all-elezzjoni ta’ membri tal-Parlament Ewropew ta[t dan l-Att. Dawk id-direttivi g[andhom ikunu minnufih applikabbli u g[andhom ji;u ppubblikati fil-Gazzetta fl-iqsar ]mien prattikabbbli.
(3) L-g[add ta’ voti ma jistax jinbeda [lief wara l-g[eluq tal-votazzjoni fl-Istati Membri kollha.
(4) Il-Prim Ministru jista’ b’regolamenti ta[t dan is- subartikolu jistabbilixxi l-og[la nfiq li jista’ jsir minn kandidat f’elezzjoni ta’ membri tal-Parlament Ewropew jew mill-a;ent elettorali tieg[u sew qabel, matul, jew wara elezzjoni min[abba jew g[ar-rigward tat-tmexxija ta’ elezzjoni b[al dik.
22. Kull meta l-kariga ta’ xi membru tal-Parlament Ewropew elett ta[t dan l-Att isir vakanti, dik il-vakanza g[andha timtela bil-mod provdut bi jew ta[t il-li;i li f’dak i]-]mien tkun fis-se[[ f’Malta g[all- mili ta’ vakanzi ta’ membri tal-Kamra tad-Deputati>
I]da meta vakanza g[andha timtela permezz ta’ elezzjoni bil- g[a]la, dik l-elezzjoni bil-g[a]la g[andha ssir mill-Kamra tad-Deputati.
23. Id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att, [lief meta l-kontenut ikun je[tie; xort’o[ra japplikaw biss g[ar-rigward ta’ membri tal-Parlament Ewropew li g[andhom ji;u eletti f’Malta.

Emendi konsegwenzjali

fl-Att dwar Kunsilli

Lokali, Kap. 363.

24. L-Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali qieg[ed b’dan ji;i emendat kif
(a) fl-artikolu 2 tieg[u, minnufih wara t-tifsira “Re;istru
Elettorali” g[andha tid[ol din it-tifsira ;dida li ;ejja>
“ “Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea” g[andha l- istess tifsir mog[ti lilha bl-artikolu 2 ta’ l-Att ta’ l-2003 dwar Elezzjonijiet g[all-Parlament Ewropew<”<
(b) fis-subartikolu (4) ta’ l-artikolu 3 u fl-artikoli 7 u 11 tieg[u minflok il-kliem “Re;istru Speçjali” kull fejn dawn jinsabu g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea”<
(ç) minflok is-subartikolu (2) ta’ l-artikolu 5 tieg[u g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej>
“(2) Kull persuna li tkun ?ittadin ta’ Stat Membru ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea li isimha jidher fir-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea li jkun ;ie l-a[[ar pubblikat u li ma tkunx insabet [atja ta’ xi reat konness ma’ l-elezzjoni ta’ membri tal-Kunsilli Lokali g[andu jkollha jedd tivvota fl-elezzjonijiet tal-Kunsilli Lokali.”<
(d) l-artikolu 6 tieg[u g[andu jit[assar<
(e) minflok is-subartikoli (5) u (6) ta’ l-artikolu 8 tieg[u g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej>
“(5) Jekk l-elezzjonijiet g[all-kunsillieri jkunu se jsiru fi ]mien erba’ xhur minn meta jsiru l-elezzjonijiet ;enerali, l- elezzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew jew ir-referenda, l- elezzjoni tal-kunsillieri tista’ ti;i posposta jew ti;i avvanzata g[al data li ti;i stabbilita mill-Ministru, i]da f’kull ka] mhux i]jed tard jew i]jed kmieni minn erba’ xhur minn meta jkunu saru dawk l-elezzjonijiet ;enerali, elezzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew jew referenda>
I]da, jekk l-elezzjonijiet ji;u hekk posposti jew avvanzati, i]-]mien tal-kariga ta’ kunsillieri li jkunu qeg[din iservu fil-waqt ta’ dak il-posponiment jew avvanzament g[andu jittawwal jew jitnaqqas bl-istess perjodu daqskemm ji;u posposti jew avvanzati bih l-elezzjonijiet u ]-]mien tal- kunsillieri li ji;u sussegwentement eletti g[andu jitnaqqas jew jittawwal bl-istess perjodu daqskemm ikun ittawwal jew tnaqqas i]-]mien tal-kariga tal-kunsillieri ta’ qabel.
(6) L-elezzjonijiet g[andhom isiru fit-tieni Sibt ta’ Marzu jew f’dik id-data li tista’ ti;i stabbilita mill-Prim Ministru fil-Gazzetta>
I]da l-Ministru jista’ b’ordni fil-Gazzetta jistipula li elezzjoni tista’ tiddewwem jew tin;ieb ’il quddiem b’;img[atejn mid-data hawn qabel stipulata.”<
(f) fl-artikolu 11 tieg[u minflok il-kelma “Estacode” kull fejn tinsab g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “Kodiçi ta’ Management tas- Servizz Pubbliku”<
(;) fl-artikolu 12 tieg[u>
(a) minnufih wara l-kliem “membru tal-Kamra tad- Deputati” fil-paragrafu (a) tieg[u, g[andhom ji]diedu l-kliem
C 69
C 70
“jew ta’ xi istituzzjoni simili f’xi Stat Membru ie[or ta’ l- Unjoni Ewropea”<
(b) minnufih wara paragrafu (a) tieg[u g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej>
“(aa) tkun membru tal-Parlament Ewropew”< u
(ç) fil-paragrafu (ç) tieg[u minnufih wara l-kliem “membru ta’ Kunsill Lokali ie[or” g[andhom ji]diedu l-kliem “jew ta’ xi istituzzjoni simili fi Stat Membru ie[or”<
(h) fis-subartikoli (1) u (2) ta’ l-artikolu 47A, fis-subartikolu
(2) ta’ l-artikolu 72 u fl-artikolu 78, tieg[u minflok il-kliem “l-
{dax-il Skeda” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “d-Disa’ Skeda”<
(i) fit-Tielet Skeda, dan il-proviso li ;ej g[andu ji]died mas- subartikolu (2) ta’ l-artikolu 34>
“I]da wkoll meta elezzjoni b[al dik tkun tikkoinçidi ma’ xi elezzjoni ;enerali, referendum jew elezzjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew, il-[in ta’ l-g[eluq tal-votazzjoni g[andu ji;i esti] u jkun l-istess b[all-[in ta’ l-g[eluq tal-votazzjoni g[all- elezzjonijiet ;enerali, referenda jew elezzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew skond il-ka].”<
(j) id-Disa’ Skeda li tinsab mieg[u g[andha tit[assar< u
(k) il-{dax-il Skeda li tinsab mieg[u g[andha ti;i enumerata mill-;did b[ala d-Disa’ Skeda li tinsab mieg[u, u g[andha tidher fl-ordni numeriku adatt kif enumerata mill-;did.
L-Ewwel Skeda
(Artikolu 9)
Forma ta’ Avvi] mill-Kummissjoni Elettorali.
C 71
Il-Kummissjoni Elettorali mwaqqfa skond l-artikolu 60 tal-Kostituzzjoni qeg[da b’dan tav]a li bis-sa[[a ta’ dak provdut fl-Att ta’ l-2003 dwar Elezzjonijiet g[all- Parlament Ewropew, sejra ssir elezzjoni nhar is-Sibt,……………………………………
It-Tieni Skeda
(Artikolu 21)
Disposizzjonijiet li Jirregolaw it-Tmexxija ta’ Elezzjonijiet g[al Membri tal-Parlament Ewropew
1. Applikazzjoni ta’ l-Att dwar l-Elezzjonijiet :enerali, Kap. 354.
L-Att dwar l-Elezzjonijiet :enerali, inklu]i l-Iskedi li jinsabu mieg[u u r- regolamenti mag[mulin ta[tu, g[andhom japplikaw g[all-elezzjoni ta’ membri tal- Parlament Ewropew b[allikieku>
(a) kemm-il darba ma ji;ix xort’o[ra determinat mill-Kummissjoni Elettorali min[abba fir-rabta tal-kliem tag[hom, referenzi fl-Att g[al elezzjoni, elezzjoni ;enerali jew elezzjoni tal-membri tal-Kamra tad-Duputati kienu referenzi g[al elezzjonijiet tal-membri tal-Parlament Ewropew<
(b) kemm-il darba ma ji;ix xort’o[ra determinat mill-Kummissjoni Elettorali min[abba fir-rabta tal-kliem tag[hom, referenzi fl-Att g[al kandidati kienu referenza g[al kandidati g[all-elezzjoni b[ala membri tal-Parlament Ewropew<
(ç) kemm-il darba ma ji;ix xort’o[ra determinat mill-Kummissjoni Elettorali min[abba fir-rabta tal-kliem tag[hom, referenzi fl-Att g[at-trasferiment tar-re;istrazzjoni ta’ elettur f’Taqsima II ta’ l-Att tinkludi t-trasferiment ta’ re;istrazzjonijiet bejn ir-Re;istru Elettorali u r-Re;istru ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea u viçi-versa<
(d) kemm-il darba ma ji;ix xort’o[ra determinat mill-Kummissjoni Elettorali min[abba fir-rabta tal-kliem tag[hom, referenzi fl-Att g[al distretti jew distretti elettorali kienu referenzi g[at-territorju ta’ Malta b[ala distrett elettorali wa[dieni ta[t dan l-Att<
C 72
(e) kemm-il darba ma ji;ix xort’o[ra determinat mill-Kummissjoni
Elettorali min[abba fir-rabta tal-kliem tag[hom, referenzi fl-Att g[ar-Re;istru Elettorali kienu referenzi g[ar-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea, jew skond ir-rabta tal-kliem, ukoll g[ar-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea<
(f) kemm-il darba ma ji;ix xort’o[ra determinat mill-Kummissjoni Elettorali min[abba fir-rabta tal-kliem tag[hom, referenzi fl-Att g[al eletturi u eletturi re;istrati tinkludi eletturi re;istrati fir-Re;istru Elettorali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea<
(;) in-numru ta’ a;enti distrettwali li g[andhom ji;u nominati minn kull partit politiku skond l-artikolu 61A (1) ta’ l-Att kien numru daqs l-g[add ta’ distretti elettorali li Malta kienet maqsuma fihom fl-a[[ar elezzjoni ;enerali li tkun saret minnufih qabel ma ssir l-elezzjoni ta’ membri tal-Parlament Ewropew<
(h) in-numru ta’ a;enti g[all-g[add li g[andhom ji;u nominati mill-partiti politiçi skond l-artikolu 89 (2) ta’ l-Att kien dak in-numru daqs l-g[add ta’ persuni li jg[oddu li jintu]aw mill-Kummissjoni Elettorali fil-waqt inkwistjoni<
(i) referenza g[ar-Writ fl-Att kienet referenza g[all-Avvi] ma[ru; mill- Kummissjoni Elettorali skond l-artikolu 9 ta’ dan l-Att<
(j) l-artikoli 15 sa 18, 77(2), 103, 104(2) sa 104(4), u 109 ta’ l-Att kienu m[assra< u
(k) fit-Tlettax-il Skeda li tinsab ma’ l-Att kull referenza g[at-trasferiment tal-voti bejn id-distretti kienet im[assra.
2. Kif tapplika l-Ordinanza Elettorali dwar il-Votazzjoni, Kap. 102.
L-Ordinanza Elettorali dwar il-Votazzjoni g[andha tapplika g[all-elezzjoni ta’ membri tal-Parlament Ewropew b[allikieku r-referenzi fl-Ordinanza g[al elezzjoni u elezzjoni tal-Kamra tad-Deputati kienu referenzi g[all-elezzjoni ta’ membri tal- Parlament Ewropew>
I]da g[all-finijiet ta’ l-elezzjonijiet ta’ membri tal-Parlament Ewropew ir-referenza g[al sitt mitt lira u tliet elef lira fl-artikolu 46 ta’ l-Ordinanza kienu referenza g[al dik is-somma li l-Prim Ministru jista’ minn ]mien g[al ]mien jistabbilixxi ta[t l-artikolu
21 (4) ta’ dan l-Att.

G[anijiet u Ra;unijiet

L-g[an ta’ l-Abbozz hu sabiex jipprovdi dwar il-metodu ta’ elezzjoni u r- re;istrazzjoni ta’ eletturi g[all-elezzjoni ta’ membri tal-Parlament Ewropew.
C 73

AN ACT to make provision for the holding of elections to the European


BE IT ENACTED by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the House of Representatives, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows>-
1. (1) The short title of this Act is the European Parliament
Elections Act, 2003.
(2) The provisions of this Act shall come into force on such date as the Prime Minister may by notice in the Gazette appoint, and different dates may be so appointed for different provisions and different purposes thereof.
2. In this Act unless the context otherwise requires>
“the Act” means the Act of the member States of the European Communities concerning the election of the representatives of the Assembly by direct universal suffrage annexed to Decision
76#787#ECSE, EEC, Euratom published in the Official Journal of the European Union, as from time to time amended<
“Citizen of the European Union” means a person who is a citizen of one of the member States<

Short title and commencement.


C 74

Cap 354.

Election of members of the European Parliament

in Malta.

“competent authority” means the body in a Member State charged with the conduct of elections of members of the European Parliament and the registration of voters therefor<
“election of members of the European Parliament” means elections of members of the European Parliament held in accordance with, and pursuant to, the Act and the Treaty<
“Electoral Commission” means the Electoral Commission established by article 60 of the Constitution<
“Electoral Register” means the Electoral Register published in accordance with the provisions of the General Elections Act<
“Electoral Roll” in relation to Malta means the Electoral Register and the European Union Electoral Register and in relation to other Member States means the official register of all voters entitled to vote in a particular constituency or locality, drawn up and kept up to date by the competent authority under the applicable electoral law of the Member State or the population register where such register indicates eligibility to vote<
“European Parliament” means the European Parliament referred to in the Treaty<
“European Union” means the European Union referred to in the Treaty<
“European Union Electoral Register” means the register of voters kept in accordance with articles 11 to 14 of this Act<
“Home Member State” means the Member State of which a person is a citizen<
“Member State” means a State which is a member of the
European Union<
“the Treaty” has the same meaning assigned to it in article 2 of the European Union Act, 2003.
3. The election of members of the European Parliament shall be held in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
4. The number of members of the European Parliament to be elected shall be that established by or under the Treaty.
5. (1) Elections of members of the European Parliament shall be held every five years commencing in 2004, on the second Saturday in June or on such other date as the Prime Minister may by notice in the Gazette from time to time establish.
(2) Voting shall start at 7.00 a.m. and close at 10.00 p.m.
6. The registration of voters for Elections of members of the European Parliament, the conduct of the relevant elections and the counting of votes shall be the sole responsibility of the Electoral Commission.
7. The election of Members of the European Parliament shall be conducted according to the principle of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote, each voter having one such vote.
8. For the purpose of election of Members of the European Parliament the territory of Malta shall constitute one single electoral division.
9. At least thirty five-days before the day fixed for election of Members of the European Parliament, the Electoral Commission shall issue and publish in the Gazette a notice in the form set out in the First Schedule to this Act.
10. Every person whose name appears in the Electoral Register last published before the date fixed for the election and every person whose name appears in the European Union Electoral Register and who in either case has not, following the publication of the said Electoral Register or the said European Union Electoral Register, been convicted of any offence connected with the election of members to the House of Representatives or with the election of members of Local Councils or with the election of members of the European Parliament shall be entitled to vote in elections of members of the European Parliament.
11. Subject to the provisions of article 12, a person shall be qualified to be registered in the European Union Electoral Register if, and shall not be so qualified unless -
(a) he is a citizen of the European Union whose name does not appear in the Electoral Register<
C 75

Number of members of the European Parliament.

Date and

time of elections.

Electoral Commission to conduct elections etc.

Method of



to constitute one electoral division.



Persons entitled to vote.

Qualification of voters

in the European Union Electoral Register.

C 76

Cap 258.

Disqualification of voters in the European Union Electoral


Publication of European Union Electoral Register.

(b) he is required to be, and is, in possession of an identity card in accordance with the Identity Card Act< and
(c) he fulfills the requirements listed in paragraphs (b) and
(c) of article 57 of the Constitution>
Provided that for the purposes of this paragraph residence in any Member State shall be deemed to be residence in Malta<
(d) he declares that he will exercise his right to vote for elections of members of the European Parliament in Malta only< and
(e) he has not been deprived of the right to vote in his home
Member State.
12. No person shall be qualified to be registered in the European
Union Electoral Register if -
(a) he is interdicted or incapacitated for any mental infirmity by a court in a Member State or is otherwise determined in a Member State to be of unsound mind<
(b) he is serving a sentence of imprisonment (by whatever name called) exceeding twelve months imposed on him by a court in a Member State or substituted by competent authority for some other sentence imposed on him by such court, or is under such a sentence of imprisonment the execution of which has been suspended< or
(c) he is disqualified for registration as a voter by or under any law in Malta by reason of his having been convicted of any offence connected with the election of members of the House of Representatives, members of Local Councils or members of the European Parliament.
13. (1) The Electoral Commission shall publish the European Union Electoral Register which shall contain the list of all persons qualified to be registered therein in accordance with article 11.
(2) The provisions of the General Elections Act relating to the publication and correction of, and the striking off of names from, the Electoral Register shall unless otherwise provided in this Act apply in relation to the European Union Electoral Register.
(3) A citizen of Malta who is registered in the European Union Electoral Register who is qualified to be registered in the Electoral Register shall have his name cancelled from the European Union Electoral Register upon being registered in the Electoral Register.
(4) A citizen of Malta who for any reason has his name struck off the Electoral Register but who is qualified to be registered in the European Union Electoral Register shall, on his name being struck off from the Electoral Register, be registered in the European Union Electoral Register.
14. (1) A person desiring to be registered in the European Union Electoral Register shall only be so registered and shall only be entitled to remain so registered if, besides satisfying the requirements of article
11, he declares to the Electoral Commission> (a) that he is resident in Malta< (b) his nationality<
(c) the date on which he took up residence in Malta or in any other Member State<
(d) his address in Malta<
(e) the locality or constituency in his home Member State, if any, on the Electoral Roll of which his name was last registered<
(f) that he will exercise his right to vote in Malta only<
(g) that he has not been deprived of his right to vote in his home Member State<
and he produces to the said Commission a valid identity document.
(2) Where a person satisfies the requirements of subarticle (1) hereof, the Electoral Commission shall enter his name in the European Union Electoral Register if it is satisfied that he is so qualified in accordance with article 11.
15. (1) The Electoral Commission shall notify the competent authority of the Home Member State of any declaration made by any person in accordance with article 14, for the sole purpose of verifying the contents thereof< and where upon information received from the home Member State it results that the contents of the declaration are not true, the Electoral Commission shall not register such person in the
C 77

Registration in

the European Union

Electoral Register.

Exchange of information in connection with registration

of voters.

C 78

Deregistration from European Union Electoral Register.

Elimination of double voting.

Persons qualified to stand for elections.

European Union Electoral Register, or, if such person is already registered, it shall strike off his name.
(2) The Electoral Commission shall verify the contents of similar declarations made to the competent authorities in other Member States and shall communicate to them any relevant information in its possession.
(3) Information exchanged in terms of this article shall be provided in good time and in an appropriate form and manner and may only include details that are strictly necessary for the implementation of the provisions of this article and may only be used for such purposes.
16. A person whose name appears on the European Union Electoral Register may at any time, in writing, request the Electoral Commission to remove his name from such Register and thereupon his name shall be struck for the European Union Electoral Register.
17. (1) No person shall in an election of members of the European Parliament cast his vote in Malta and in another Member State.
(2) Any person who acts in contravention of the provisions of subarticle (1) hereof shall be guility of an offence and shall upon conviction be liable to imprisonment for not more than six months or to a fine (multa) of not more than ten thousand liri or to both such fine and imprisonment.
(3) For the purpose of ensuring compliance with subarticle (1) of this article the Electoral Commission shall, sufficiently in advance of the day fixed for voting, inform the competent authority in the Home Member State of any person listed in the European Union Electoral Register who has opted to cast his vote in Malta.
(4) Where the Electoral Commission received information from the competent authority of another Member State that a person, whose name is entered in the Electoral Register or the European Union Electoral Register, has been registered in the Electoral Roll of such state, it shall for the purposes of the election of members of the European Parliament strike off that person’s name from the Electoral Register, or the European Union Electoral Register, as the case may be.
18. Subject to the provisions of article 19, a person shall be qualified to stand for election as a member of the European Parliament if such person is registered as a voter in the Electoral Register or in the European Union Electoral Register>
Provided that public officers or any class or classes thereof may be restricted from standing for election as members of the European Parliament by the Public Service Management Code or such other regulations, rules or norms applicable from time to time to the Public Service.
19. (1) Without prejudice to the provisions of the Act, no person shall be qualified to stand for election as a member of the European Parliament or, if elected, to remain a member thereof if, whether in Malta or in any other Member State –
(a) he is a member of any disciplined force as defined in article 47 (1) of the Constitution or of a corresponding force of another Member State<
(b) he holds any office the functions of which involve any responsibility for or in connection with the conduct of elections of members of the European Parliament or the compilation or revision of any Electoral Roll<
(c) he is an undischarged bankrupt having been adjudged or otherwise declared bankrupt under any law in force<
(d) he is interdicted or incapacitated for any mental infirmity or for prodigality by a court or is otherwise determined to be of unsound mind<
(e) he is serving a sentence of imprisonment (by whatever name called) exceeding twelve months imposed on him by a court in a Member State or is under such a sentence of imprisonment the execution of which has been suspended<
(f) he is a member of the judiciary<
(g) he has been disqualified for standing for the election of members of the European Parliament in terms of any law in force<
(h) he is standing as a candidate for the election of members of the European Parliament in the same election in another Member State.
(2) The office of member of the European Parliament shall be incompatible with that of member of the House of Representatives or of member of a Local Council under the Local Councils Act or of any other similar institution or organ in another Member State, and where a person who holds one of the said offices is elected to a second
C 79

Persons not qualified to stand for election.


of certain officers

Cap. 363.

C 80

Provisions with regard to candidate registered in the European Union Electoral Register.

such office that person shall, within five working days of the publication of the results of the election to such second office, renounce one of these offices>
Provided that where a person fails to renounce one of these offices within the said term of five working days, he shall be deemed to have renounced the office of member of the European Parliament.
20. (1) A candidate whose name appears on the European Union Electoral Register, shall when filing his nomination as a candidate also make a formal declaration in writing to the Electoral Commission stating>
(a) his nationality<
(b) the date from which he has been a national of his home
Member State<
(c) the locality or constituency on his Home Member State, if any, on the electoral roll of which his name was last entered<
(d) that he is not standing as a candidate in any other Member
and shall also produce to the Electoral Commission a valid identity document>
Provided that with regard to any such person who is a citizen of
(i) paragraph (b) shall not apply< and
(ii) paragraph (c) shall apply with reference to the last Member State, other than Malta, in which that person was resident prior to taking up residence in Malta.
(2) A candidate whose name appears in the European Union Electoral Register and who is not a citizen of Malta shall also produce to the Electoral Commission a declaration from the competent authority of his Home Member State certifying that he has not, otherwise than because of his having been registered in the European Union Electoral Register, been deprived of the right to stand for election in that Member State or that no such disqualification is known to that authority.
(3) The Electoral Commission shall notify the competent authority of the Home Member State the declarations made in
accordance with subarticle (1) for the sole purpose of verifying the contents thereof and if upon information received from the Home Member State it results that the contents of the declaration are not true, the Electoral Commission shall not register the person as a candidate, or if he is already registered, shall strike off his name from the list of candidates<
Provided that such striking off is effected before the ballot papers are printed>
Provided further that with respect to any such person who is a citizen of Malta the provisions of this subarticle shall apply as if any reference therein to Home Member State were a reference to the last Member State in which such person resided before taking up residence in Malta.
(4) The Electoral Commission shall verify similar declarations notified to it by the competent authority of other Member States and shall supply such competent authorities with the relevant information.
(5) Information exchanged in terms of this article shall be provided in good time and in an appropriate manner and may only include details that are strictly necessary for the implementation of the provisions of this article and may only be issued for such purpose.
21. (1) Save as otherwise provided in the Second Schedule to this Act and save where such provisions are incompatible with the provisions of this Act, the provisions of the General Elections Act and of the Electoral Polling Ordinance shall apply to the conduct of elections, and to the counting of votes in elections, of members of the European Parliament.
(2) The Electoral Commission may, from time to time, issue directives interpreting as may be necessary the provisions of the General Elections Act and of the Electoral Polling Ordinance in their application to the election of members of the European Parliament under this Act. Such directives shall be immediately applicable and shall be published in the Gazette in the shortest time practicable.
(3) The counting of votes may not commence until after the close of polling in all the Member States.
(4) The Prime Minister may by regulations under this subarticle establish the maximum expenses that may be incurred by a candidate at an election of members of the European Parliament or his
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Conduct of


Cap. 354. Cap. 102.

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of vacancies.

Scope of this


Consequential amendments to the Local Councils Act, Cap. 363.

election agent whether before, during, or after an election on account of or in respect of the conduct of such election.
22. Wherever the seat of any Member of the European Parliament elected under this Act becomes vacant, the vacancy shall be filled in the manner provided by or under any law for the time being in force in Malta for the filling of vacancies of members of the House of Representatives>
Provided that where a vacancy is to be filled by means of co-option, that co-option shall be made by the House of Representatives.
23. The provisions of this Act, except where the content otherwise requires apply only in relation to members of the European Parliament who fall to be elected in Malta.
24. The Local Councils Act is hereby amended as follows>
(a) in article 2 thereof, immediately after the definition “Electoral Register” there shall be inserted the following new definition>
“ “European Union Electoral Register” has the same meaning assigned to it by article 2 of the European Parliament Elections Act, 2003<”<
(b) in subarticle (4) of article 3 and in articles 7 and 11 thereof for the words “Special Register” wherever they occur there shall be substituted the words “European Union Electoral Register”<
(c) subarticle (2) of article 5 thereof shall be substituted by the following>
“(2) Every person who is a national of a Member State of the European Union whose name appears in the last published European Union Electoral Register and who has not been convicted of any offence connected with the election of members of Local Councils shall be entitled to vote in elections of Local Councils.”<
(d) article 6 thereof shall be deleted<
(e) subarticles (5) and (6) of article 8 thereof shall be substituted by the following>
(5) If elections for councillors are due to be held within four months of the holding of general elections, European Parliament elections or referenda, the election of councillors may be postponed or brought forward to a date determined by the Minister, but in any case not later or earlier than four months of the holding of such general elections, European Parliament elections or referenda>
Provided that, in the event that the elections are so postponed or brought forward, the term of office of councillors in office at the time of such postponement or bringing forward shall be extended or reduced by the same period by which the elections are postponed or brought forward and that of the councillors subsequently elected shall be reduced or extended by the same period by which the term of office of the previous councillors has been extended or reduced.
(6) Elections shall be held on the second Saturday of March or on such a date as may be established by the Prime Minister in the Gazette>
Provided that the Minister may by order in the Gazette stipulate that an election may be delayed or brought forward by two weeks from the date stipulated above.”<
(f) in article 11 thereof for the word “Estacode” there shall be substituted the words “Public Service Management Code”.
(g) in article 12 thereof>
(a) immediately after the words “Member of the House of Representatives” in paragraph (a) thereof, there shall be added the words “or of any similar institution in another Member State of the European Union”<
(b) immediately after paragraph (a) thereof there shall be inserted the following>
“(aa) he is a member of the European Parliament”<
(c) in paragraph (c) thereof immediately after the words “a member of another Local Council” there shall be added the words “or of any similar institution in another Member State”<
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(h) in subarticles (1) and (2) of article 47A, in subarticle (2) of article 72 and in article 78, thereof for the words “Eleventh Schedule” there shall be substituted the words “Ninth Schedule”<
(i) in the Third Schedule, the following proviso shall be added to subarticle (2) of article 34>
“Provided further that where such election shall coincide with a general election, referendum or European Parliament election, the time of closure of voting shall be extended and be the same as the time of closure of voting for general elections, referenda or European Parliament elections as the case may be.”<
(j) the Ninth Schedule thereto shall be deleted< and
(k) the Eleventh Schedule thereto shall be renumbered as the “Ninth Schedule thereto, and shall appear in the appropriate numerical order as renumbered.
First Schedule
(Article 9)
Form of Notice by the Electoral Commission.
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The Electoral Commission established in terms of article 60 of the Constitution hereby notifies that in virtue of the provision of the European Parliament Elections Act, 2003, an election is being held on Saturday, ……………………………………
Second Schedule
(Article 21)
Provisions Regulating the Conduct of Elections of Members to the European Parliament
1. Application of the General Elections Act, Cap. 354.
The General Elections Act, including the Schedules attached thereto and any regulations made thereunder, shall apply to the election of members of the European Parliament as if>
(a) unless otherwise determined by the Electoral Commission because of their context, references therein to election, general election or election of the members of the House of Representatives were references to elections of the members to the European Parliament<
(b) unless otherwise determined by the Electoral Commission because of their context, references therein to candidates were a reference to candidates for election as members to the European Parliament<
(c) unless otherwise determined by the Electoral Commission because of their context, references therein to the transfer of the registration of a voter in Part II thereof include the transfer of registrations between the Electoral Register and the European Union Register and vice-versa<
(d) unless otherwise determined by the Electoral Commission because of their context, references therein to divisions or electoral divisions were references to the territory of Malta as a single electoral division under this Act<
(e) unless otherwise determined by the Electoral Commission because of their context, references therein to the Electoral Register were references to the
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European Union Electoral Register, or according to the context, also to the
European Union Electoral Register<
(f) unless otherwise determined by the Electoral Commission because of their context, references therein to voters and registered voters include voters registered in the European Union Electoral Register<
(g) the number of district agents to be nominated by each political party in terms of article 61A (1) thereof was a number equal to the number of electoral divisions in which Malta was divided in the last general election held immediately before the holding of the election of members of the European Parliament<
(h) the number of counting agents to be nominated by the political parties in terms of article 89 (2) thereof was such number as is equal to the number of counters being used by the Electoral Commission at the time in question<
(i) reference to the Writ therein were a reference to the Notice issued by the Electoral Commission in terms of article 9 of this Act.
(j) articles 15 to 18, 77(2), 103, 104(2) to 104(4), and 109 thereof were deleted< and
(k) in the Thirteenth Schedule thereto all references to the transfer of votes between divisions were deleted
2. Application of the Electoral Polling Ordinance, Cap. 102.
The Electoral Polling Ordinance shall apply to the election of members of the European Parliament as if the references therein to election and election of the House of Representatives were references to the election of members of the European Parliament>
Provided that for the purposes of elections of members of the European Parliament the reference to six hundred liri and three thousand liri in article 46 thereof were a reference to such sum as the Prime Minister may from time to time establish under 21 (4) of this Act.

Objects and Reasons

The object of the Bill is to provide for the method of election and the registration of voters for election of members of the European Parliament.

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