Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Tea And Rubber Estates (Control Of Fragmentation) Act (No. 2 of 1958) - Sect 6

Control of institution and entertainment of partition action in respect of a tea or rubber estate

(1) On or after the appointed day-
(a) no person shall institute a partition action in respect of a tea or rubber estate unless a certificate of consent of the Board to the institution of such action has been previously obtained by him,
(b) no court shall entertain such action unless the court is satisfied that such certificate has been issued, and
(c) no such action shall be maintainable if it is instituted in contravention of this subsection,
(2) A decree in a partition action instituted with the consent of the Board shall not contravene or be in conflict with the conditions, if any, subject to which such consent has been granted, and if such decree contravenes or is in conflict with any such condition, such decree shall be null and void.

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